Wednesday 20 May 2015

Week 8th - Teaching Strategies

Thursday, 30/04/15

Dat week, we learn about teaching strategies dat we also can apply in our teaching to gain our students interest in learning..

There are many type of strategies dat we can use, such as :
a) teacher oriented - one way interaction, teacher is being autocratic
b) student oriented - two ways interaction, teacher is being democratic
c) based on resources - 'BBM' is playing its role, based on real experiences
d) inductive - based on question activities so dat student will be able to make a conclusion
e) elective - combination of inductive & deductive, need lots of exercise
f) deductive - cerakinan
g) thematic - based on theme dat are determine
e) mastery learning - teacher have to make sure dat students will be able to master dat topic before     continue to other topic.

dats all for dis entry, stay tuned..

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