Monday 18 May 2015

Teaching Method Lecture~

Thursday, 23/04/15

Lecture today is about 'Teaching Method'..
While Dr Chin explain about dat topic, we refer her given slide infront..
Kita mempelajari tentang kaedah serta teknik yang digunakan dalam pengajaran..
as a teacher, we have to be ready in any condition so dat our pupil will keep focusing on our teaching.. teaching needs a skill and exercise, so please keep in mind, we are not born perfect, we learn and find the perfections.. 

in dis topic, learned a few factors that effect of choosing teaching method,
and also what to do and not to do in teaching..

There are 8 types of teaching methods dat we can apply in class :
1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Demonstration
4. Project
5. Problem Solving
6. Games
7. Role Play
8. Simulation

For the conclusion, i found dat all 8 types of dis teaching method are very useful to apply in class coz of it prevent pupils from being bored and they can give a positive reaction in class such as active in participated. New experience can be explore not only for pupils, but also for the teachers..

Dats it for dis entry, next entry i'll be shared about teaching strategies..

Keep in touch :)

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