Monday 18 May 2015

Week 6th ~

Monday, 06/04/15

Actual class on Thursday diawalkan atas some reason..
Dat day actually is our presentation day, but me and 2 of my other friends could not make it..
So we have to present next week on 16/04/15.. i'll be ready i guess..

A bit frust coz not have da oppurtunity to see my other friends do their presentation..
it must be fun bcoz all of us full with different ideas dat we can share and learn..

Not all of us know everything about technologies in teaching, but we learn to know,
for the sake of our future and the new generations..

Hoping dat all of them do well in their first presentation, sorry guys for not being there to support,
but i noe dat u all done well, good job :)

See ya (^,*)

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