Sunday 24 May 2015

Gagne Theory

Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction

Robert Gagné proposed a series of events which follow a systematic instructional design process that share the behaviorist approach to learning, with a focus on the outcomes or behaviors of instruction or training. Each of the nine events of instruction is highlighted below, followed by sample methods to help implement the events in your own instruction. Use Gagné’s nine events in conjunction with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to design engaging and meaningful instruction.

The following nine steps have been adapted from Gagné, Briggs, and Wager (1992).

1. Gain attention of the students

Ensure the learners are ready to learn and participate in activities by presenting a stimulus to gain their attention.
Methods for gaining learners’ attention include:
  • Stimulate students with novelty, uncertainty and surprise
  • Pose thought-provoking questions to the students
  • Have students pose questions to be answered by other students

2. Inform students of the objectives

Inform students of the objectives or outcomes to help them understand what they are to learn during the course. Provide objectives before instruction begins.
Methods for stating the outcomes include:
  • Describe required performance
  • Describe criteria for standard performance
  • Learner establishes criteria for standard performance

3. Stimulate recall of prior learning

Help students make sense of new information by relating it to something they already know or something they have already experienced.
Methods for stimulating recall include:
  • Ask questions about previous experiences
  • Ask students about their understanding of previous concepts

4. Present the content

Use strategies to present and cue lesson content to provide more effective, efficient instruction. Organize and chunk content in a meaningful way. Provide explanations after demonstrations.
Ways to present and cue lesson content include:
  • Present vocabulary
  • Provide examples
  • Present multiple versions of the same content, e.g., video, demonstration, lecture, podcast, group work
  • Use a variety of media to address different learning preferences

5. Provide learning guidance

Advise students of strategies to aid them in learning content and of resources available.
Methods to provide learning guidance include:
  • Provide instructional support as needed – as scaffolds (cues, hints, prompts) which can be removed after the student learns the task or content
  • Model varied learning strategies – mnemonics, concept mapping, role playing, visualizing
  • Use examples and non-examples – in addition to providing examples, use non-examples to help students see what not to do or the opposite of examples
  • Provide case studies, analogies, visual images and metaphors – case studies for real world application, analogies for knowledge construction, visual images to make visual associations, metaphors to support learning

6. Elicit performance (practice)

Activate student processing to help them internalize new skills and knowledge and to confirm correct understanding of these concepts.
Ways to activate learner processing include:
  • Elicit student activities – ask deep-learning questions, make reference to what students already know or have students collaborate with their peers
  • Elicit recall strategies – ask students to recite, revisit, or reiterate information they have learned
  • Facilitate student elaborations – ask students to elaborate or explain details and provide more complexity to their responses
  • Help students integrate new knowledge – provide content in a context-rich way (use real-world examples)

7. Provide feedback

Provide immediate feedback of students’ performance to assess and facilitate learning.
Types of feedback include:
  • Confirmatory feedback – Informs the student they did what he or she were supposed to do
  • Corrective and remedial feedback – informs the student the accuracy of their performance or response
  • Remedial feedback – Directs students in the right direction to find the correct answer but does not provide the correct answer
  • Informative feedback – Provides information (new, different, additions, suggestions) to a student and confirms that you have been actively listening – this information allows sharing between two people
  • Analytical feedback – Provides the student with suggestions, recommendations, and information for them to correct their performance

8. Assess performance

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional events, you must test to see if the expected learning outcomes have been achieved. Performance should be based on previously stated objectives.
Methods for testing learning include:
  • Pretest for mastery of prerequisites
  • Use a pretest for endpoint knowledge or skills
  • Conduct a post-test to check for mastery of content or skills
  • Embed questions throughout instruction through oral questioning and/or quizzes
  • Include objective or criterion-referenced performances which measure how well a student has learned a topic
  • Identify normative-referenced performances which compares one student to another student

9. Enhance retention and transfer to the job

To help learners develop expertise, they must internalize new knowledge.
Methods for helping learners internalize new knowledge include:
  • Paraphrase content
  • Use metaphors
  • Generating examples
  • Create concept maps or outlines
  • Create job-aids, references, templates, or wizards


Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction can help build the framework with which to prepare and deliver instructional content. Ideally, you should prepare course goals and learning objectives before implementing the nine events (the goals and objectives will actually help situate the events in their proper context). The nine events of instruction can then be modified to fit both the content to be presented and the students’ level of knowledge.

Theory Day~ Last Entry, Check it Out!

Thursday, 14/05/15

Teori Behaviourisme

Pendekatan behavioris terhadap pembelajaran memberi tumpuan kepada perubahan tingkah laku yang boleh diperhatikan dan pengaruhnya persekitaran terhadap perubahan tersebut.  

Prinsip-prinsip asas teori behavioris tentang pembelajaran iaitu pembelajaran merupakan satu proses luaran, pembelajaran ialah hasil dari interaksi seseorang dengan rangsangan-gerak balas (R-G) dan persekitarannya. Oleh itu tingkah laku boleh dilazimkan, dikawal dan diramal. Selain itu, tingkah laku akibat daripada pembelajaran adalah khusus, boleh diukur dan diperhatikan. Prinsip pembelajaran adalah sama merentas semua spesis. Perkaitan rangsangan (latihan atau peneguhan) dan gerak balas (tindak balas organisma), atau dikenali sebagai R-G menjadi lebih kukuh melalui pelaziman.  

Pelaziman diertikan sebagai satu proses pembentukan tingkah laku di mana tindak balas organisma menjadi lebih kerap atau lebih mudah diramal akibat daripada latihan atau peneguhan. Terdapat dua jenis pelaziman untuk menerangkan pembelajaran, iaitu, pelaziman klasik dan pelaziman operan.  Tokoh-tokoh pelaziman klasikal terdiri daripada Ivan Pavlov dan J. B. Watson.  Manakala tokoh-tokoh pelaziman operan merupakan Edward Thorndike dan B. F. Skinner. 

Teori Pembelajaran Konstruktivisme

Konstruktivisime merupakan proses pembelajaran yang menerangkan bagaimana pengetahuan disusun dalam minda manusia. Mengikut kefahaman konstruktivisme, ilmu pengetahuan tidak dapat dipindahkan daripada guru kepada pelajar dalam bentuk yang serba sempurna. Pelajar perlu bina sesuatu pengetahuan iut mengikut pengalaman masing-masing. Pembelajaran adalah hasil daripada usaha pelajar itu sendiri dan guru tidak boleh belajar untuk pelajarnya. Blok binaan asas bagi ilmu pengetahuan merupakan satu skema iaitu aktiviti mental yang digunakan oleh pelajar sebagai bahan mentah bagi proses renungan dan pengabstrakan. Fikiran pelajar tidak wujud secara terasing daripada persekitaran. Pelajar sebenarnya telah mempunyai satu set idea dan pengalaman yang membentuk struktur kognitif terhadap persekitaran mereka. Realiti yang diketahui pelajar adalah realiti yang dia bina sendiri.

Teori Pembelajaran Sosial

Teori pembelajaran sosial mempunyai ciri-ciri pendekatan behavioris  tetapi menekankan pembelajaran berdasarkan faktor sosial. Prinsip asas teori pembelajaran sosial adalah berdasarkan kepada pendirian bahawa pembelajaran merupakan proses kognitif dan afektif berdasarkan pemerhatian tingkah laku orang lain (model) dan meniru tingkah laku yang boleh memberi manfaat kepadanya.   

Pemerolehan pengetahuan dan gerak balas merupakan dua perkara yang berbeza. Walau pun pembelajaran telah berlaku, ia hanya akan diperlihatkan dalam keadaan yg ‘sesuai’. Bandura menamakan ini sebagai pembelajaran pemerhatian atau pembelajaran melalui model.

Empat langkah pembelajaran peniruan :
1. Tumpuan perhatian
2. Penyimpanan dalam ingatan
3. Pengeluaran
4. Motivasi dan peneguhan

Social Development Theory Vygotsky

Socialize and Learn

In the social development theory, Leo Vygotsky primarily explains that socialization affects the learning process in an individual. It tries to explain consciousness or awareness as the result of socialization. This means that when we talk to our peers or adults, we talk to them for the sake of communication. After we interact with other people, we tend to internalize what we uttered.

For example, a child tries to chronologically arrange the blocks that contain the letter A to Z. At first, his performance is poor but when his mother sits beside him and tells him how to arrange the letters properly, he begins to learn how to do so. The child will then master the knowledge of arranging the alphabet with the presence of his parent. His mother, on the other hand, gradually lets the child do the skill on his own, making the child more competent.

A. Key Concepts

The Social Development Theory includes three major concepts. These are comprised of the Role of Social Interaction in Cognitive Development, the More Knowledgeable Other and the Zone of Proximal Development.

Role of Social Interaction in Cognitive Development
The Social Development Theory (SDT) mainly asserts that social interaction has a vital role in the cognitive development process. With this concept, Vygotsky's theory opposes that of Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory because Piaget explains that a person undergoes development first before he achieves learning, whereas Vygotsky argues that social learning comes first before development. Through the Social Development Theory, Vygotsky states that the cultural development of a child is firstly on the social level called interpsychological, and secondly on the individual or personal level called intrapsychological.

The More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)
The MKO is any person who has a higher level of ability or understanding than the learner in terms of the task, process or concept at hand. Normally, when we think of an MKO we refer to an older adult, a teacher or an expert. For example, a child learns multiplication of numbers because his tutor teaches him well. The traditional MKO is an older person; however, MKOs could also refer to our friends, younger people and even electronic devices like computers and cellphones. For instance, you learn how to skate because your daughter taught you this skill.

The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
The ZPD is the distance between what is known and what is unknown by the learner. It is the difference between the ability of learner to performer a specific task under the guidance of his MKO and the learner`s ability to do that task independently. Basically, the theory explains that learning occurs in ZPD.

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

B. Applications of the Theory

The traditional model where the teacher or tutor transmits or transfers information to her students is still believed in many educational institutions. On the other hand, the Social Development Theory has been able to change this tradition because it explains that the student (learner) must have an active role in learning for this process to occur faster and more efficiently. Because of Social Development Theory, many schools are now encouraging recitation so as to reciprocate the learning experience inside the classroom. This means that the teacher also learns from the students as the students learns from her.

Week 9th - Teaching Goals

Thursday, 07/05/15

Topik pd hari tersebut, kteorg membincangkan ttg matlamat pengajaran..

Kita menggunakan prinsip-prinsip pengajaran Atan Long (1982)

1. Merancang pelajaran - set induksi, langkah & penutup
2. Penggunaan pelbagai teknik dan kaedah pengajaran - bgantung pd masa, jumlah murid & bhn.
3. Melibatkan murid aktif dlm P&P - interaksi dua hala antara murid/guru
4. Mengambil kira perbezaan murid - kebolehan, minat, keupayaan
5. Kaitkan isi pelajaran dgn pengetahuan & pengalaman - kaitkan pelajaran baru dgn yg lepas
6. Merangsang fikiran murid - mencabar kemahiran murid berfikir

Antara jenis-jenis pembelajaran ialah :

1. Pembelajaran isyarat
2. Pembejaran rangsang gerak balas
3. Pembelajaran secara rantaian
4. Perkaitan lisan
5. Pembelajaran pembezaan
6. Pembelajaran konsep
7. Pembelajaran prinsip
8. Menyelesaikan masalah

Selain itu, Dr Chin turut menerangkan ttg faktor mempengaruhi kesediaan belajar, bagaimana berkomunikasi ketika proses P&P serta komunikasi yg berkesan atau kurang berkesan.

Sekian untuk entri kali ini, to be continue pd entri yg terakhir..

TQ for reading & hope to be share :)

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Week 8th - Teaching Strategies

Thursday, 30/04/15

Dat week, we learn about teaching strategies dat we also can apply in our teaching to gain our students interest in learning..

There are many type of strategies dat we can use, such as :
a) teacher oriented - one way interaction, teacher is being autocratic
b) student oriented - two ways interaction, teacher is being democratic
c) based on resources - 'BBM' is playing its role, based on real experiences
d) inductive - based on question activities so dat student will be able to make a conclusion
e) elective - combination of inductive & deductive, need lots of exercise
f) deductive - cerakinan
g) thematic - based on theme dat are determine
e) mastery learning - teacher have to make sure dat students will be able to master dat topic before     continue to other topic.

dats all for dis entry, stay tuned..

Monday 18 May 2015

Teaching Method Lecture~

Thursday, 23/04/15

Lecture today is about 'Teaching Method'..
While Dr Chin explain about dat topic, we refer her given slide infront..
Kita mempelajari tentang kaedah serta teknik yang digunakan dalam pengajaran..
as a teacher, we have to be ready in any condition so dat our pupil will keep focusing on our teaching.. teaching needs a skill and exercise, so please keep in mind, we are not born perfect, we learn and find the perfections.. 

in dis topic, learned a few factors that effect of choosing teaching method,
and also what to do and not to do in teaching..

There are 8 types of teaching methods dat we can apply in class :
1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Demonstration
4. Project
5. Problem Solving
6. Games
7. Role Play
8. Simulation

For the conclusion, i found dat all 8 types of dis teaching method are very useful to apply in class coz of it prevent pupils from being bored and they can give a positive reaction in class such as active in participated. New experience can be explore not only for pupils, but also for the teachers..

Dats it for dis entry, next entry i'll be shared about teaching strategies..

Keep in touch :)

First Presentation :)

Thursday, 16/04/15

Dat day, my turn for presentation after break for a wekk coz of my TITAS fieldwork..

Presentation is about 'Interactive Websites, Videos and Blogs for Teaching'

Segala alat bantu mengajar yang blh didapati di segala web, video dan log pembelajaran,
boleh kita gunakan untuk mengajar.. tetapi yang bersesuaian la..

Banyak website menarik yang blh digunakan untuk aktiviti games, colouring, vocabulary and so on..

Kita kena rajin explore.. nak hasil yg baik kena put effort lebih kann..

Keep explore and you will satisfy with da result..

Meh usha sket web, video n blogs..

Didi & Friends

Ne some of the examples selected.. actually bnyk lg..

Sharing is Caring :)

Week 6th ~

Monday, 06/04/15

Actual class on Thursday diawalkan atas some reason..
Dat day actually is our presentation day, but me and 2 of my other friends could not make it..
So we have to present next week on 16/04/15.. i'll be ready i guess..

A bit frust coz not have da oppurtunity to see my other friends do their presentation..
it must be fun bcoz all of us full with different ideas dat we can share and learn..

Not all of us know everything about technologies in teaching, but we learn to know,
for the sake of our future and the new generations..

Hoping dat all of them do well in their first presentation, sorry guys for not being there to support,
but i noe dat u all done well, good job :)

See ya (^,*)