Wednesday 25 March 2015

Photoscaping, Photostory time, let's rock on!

19/03/2015 Thursday

Dr Chin pass over her CD ROM for us to copy paste software in our lappy..
That software is Photoscape and Photo Story..
I'm quite familiar with both of that software cause i've used it before..
For the Photo Story, it's like a movie maker or something like that la..

So here we are, learned how to use that software, step by step..
For those yg xtaw Photoscape meh nak share sikit.. pictures jew la ye..
Actually, kita boley try and error sendiri, lelama pandai la.. haa.. xcaye? try la gune..
And when u try u noe how to use it, make urself familiar with those apps..
So nnt nk gune buat pape kan senang.. like editing, collage, and etc..

Ne rupa Photoscape tu..

Ni la front covernye..
Kita boleh wt mcm2 k ngan apps ne.. cthnye...


Ha taraa.. ne namenye animated GIF.. with my technomates :)

        Oke, ne part of the function la.. nak explain sume mmg xhbes satu entri ne.. hehe
Done with dis apps.. 

Next..... Photo Story.. meh nak story.. yg apps ne plak functionnye cam movie maker, ha cmtu la.. sort of..
Kita boley abadikan segala memori yg tercipta dgn apps ne or yg seangkatan..

Ni la permulaan ceritanya

Pilih pic mne nak n bnyk mana..

Then add caption

Choose transition for every picture selected

Ha then siapkan la video montaj n yg sewaktu dgnnye.. hasilnya nnt mesti puas hati :)


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